Traffic Leverage
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File size : 186 KB
Type of document : PDF
Number of pages : 20 pages
The Basics of this Powerful Marketing Method
There's a secret goldmine hiding online that most marketers are completely missing. Once you tap into this goldmine, you'll be able to see an increase in your list members and an increase in your profits with very little work.
You can build your list by leveraging other people's thank you pages and members' areas. With the techniques in this lesson, you'll also learn how to turn those leads into instant profits for you and your JV partner.
The Benefits of the Method
This is a unique joint venture opportunity for you and another marketer. There are a few basic benefits that make this method of marketing a good idea if you want to build your list quickly and establish yourself in a market.
The first is the power of numbers.
If your opt in box is on your squeeze page it's one thing but if it can be found on half a dozen other marketer's thank you pages, you can multiply the number of the opt-ins that you get in a short amount of time. There is a lot of power in numbers. Not only does putting the opt-in box on another marketer's page put you in front of more people, it puts you in front of the *right* kind of people. If a person has reached the other marketer's thank you page or members' area, they have already agreed to purchase something.
They've already gone through the process of overcoming mental obstacles and have made the decision to put their money where their mouth is. Making the decision to opt-in to your list is no big deal after the large purchasing decision. Their resistance is low so they will be very willing to opt-in to your list.
In addition, since they have purchased from the other marketer you know for a fact that they are willing to spend money in this niche.
When you are driving traffic to your own squeeze page you are taking a risk because you don't know if this group of people is actually going to buy.
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