Checking ip address is very important for your quest on internet, if you browsing internet, almost good websites can detect easily where you come from, what browser that you use and what operating system that you use. Even, several website such as finance website is using ip address to approve your address location on earth. In example, www.paypal.com will always monitor your login location based on your ip address. It very important that when you login to paypal you know your ip address and you don’t use proxy ip address. Paypal will never accept a user that use proxy ip address so, it’s your duty to check your computer ip address every time accessing finance website such as
Then, how to check your ip address ?
Very easy, you can easily open website that provide information about your ip address, then the website will show you your IP.
What’s the example website?
You can use such as www.ip-address.com, whatismyipaddress.com, www.checkip.org , www.checkipaddress.org, or www.ipaddresslocation.org. Open these sites then you will see your ip address.
If you need more website to show your ip address, then you can easily search more site at www.google.com, www.yahoo.com, www.bing.com or other search engine with keyword “ip address”. It will show you more site. Ok, thank for your attention, regards.
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