Domain ebook : buying and selling domain
“Domain names have and will continue to go up in value faster than any other commodity ever know to man” Bill, Gates, CEO – Microsoft.
At this moment you are poised to take your first steps into one of the most lucrative investment industries of our time, an industry that has thrived since the early proliferation of our time, an industry that has thrived since the early proliferation of the internet and has created no small number of millionaires and even billionaires throughout the course of its existence. The industry I speak of is “domain name speculation” or as it is more commonly known of is “domain name speculation”, or as it is more commonly know, “domain”. To it simply, buying and selling domain is the practice of identifying and acquiring valuable domain names, utilizing them to produce recurring revenue streams and ultimately selling them for a sizeable profit.
Despite the boom days being over there is still good news for new domainers. Because of long keyphrase relevant domain names you have a second chance to get in on the domaining action. Thousands of good keyphrase names are available and in that sense the process of buying and selling domain names is better than it used to be.
The domain name business is largely conducted via the Internet and email. It is quite common for domainers to buy and sell domain names to and from people they do not know, so it is important to conduct transactions securely.
Title : Domainer’s Bible, A beginner’s guide to buying and selling domain names.
File Size: 723 KB
Print Length: 142 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Paul Tebow; 3 edition (February 10, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B007824BA8
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Table of contents:
At this moment you are poised to take your first steps into one of the most lucrative investment industries of our time, an industry that has thrived since the early proliferation of our time, an industry that has thrived since the early proliferation of the internet and has created no small number of millionaires and even billionaires throughout the course of its existence. The industry I speak of is “domain name speculation” or as it is more commonly known of is “domain name speculation”, or as it is more commonly know, “domain”. To it simply, buying and selling domain is the practice of identifying and acquiring valuable domain names, utilizing them to produce recurring revenue streams and ultimately selling them for a sizeable profit.
Despite the boom days being over there is still good news for new domainers. Because of long keyphrase relevant domain names you have a second chance to get in on the domaining action. Thousands of good keyphrase names are available and in that sense the process of buying and selling domain names is better than it used to be.
The domain name business is largely conducted via the Internet and email. It is quite common for domainers to buy and sell domain names to and from people they do not know, so it is important to conduct transactions securely.
Title : Domainer’s Bible, A beginner’s guide to buying and selling domain names.
File Size: 723 KB
Print Length: 142 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Paul Tebow; 3 edition (February 10, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B007824BA8
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Table of contents:
- Introduction to domaining
- Domain name basic
- How to make money domaining
- Domain value characteristic
- Domain valuation: assesing revenue potential
- Domain valuation: assesing traffic potential
- Domain valuation: assesing overall value
- Domain acquisition: creating domain
- Domain acquisition: buying exsisting domain
- Revenue during ownership: ppc parking
- Revenue during ownership: affiliate program
- Developing domains
- Selling domains
- Creating investment strategies
- Common mistake to avoid
- Development in domaining world
- Appendix A: Unrestricted Generic Top-level Domains (Unrestricted
- Appendix B: Sponsored Top-level Domains (sTLDs)
- Appendix C: Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs)
- Appendix D: Commercial and Vanity ccTLDs
- Appendix E: gTLD Registry Operators and ICANN Accredited gTLD
- Appendix: Domaining Resources
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