Bing search engine inspired by golden triangle
Bing search engine is a search engine that has been released by Microsoft at May 2009. Actually, Bing search engine ( is a development from Live search that has been launched at 1998. We know that several search engine that dominated search engine world such as google, yahoo, altavista, windows live, etc. Bing as a newest search engine is show a significant growth recently, even it showed more potential user than windows live. There are many differentiations between Bing and windows live, I see Bing has more features than windows live such as:
a. Quick tab to help searchers more easily navigate through the SERP by intuitively narrowing their search results.
b. Related search list of looser definitions for broadening the scope of the parent query, search history gives you one-click access to your previous queries made in a session.
c. Categorized results, to takes the searcher on a track they want to explore further.
Bing also gives related information about the result such as user ratings, and reviews link that is very different from windows live. Bing also gives a label best match to search result if the result is very match with the keyword. Best match result is representing the Best Match listing, and hides the remainder of the other.
Something’s that very different from Bing is Bing has a document preview so the searchers can instantly see content derived from the deep link page before going to the website. It seem document preview technology is new innovation that used by Bing search engine.
What webmaster can do with search engine optimization (SEO) of Bing?
Well, I read from Bing Webmaster Center Team; Webmasters can easily do this by adding unique titles and Meta descriptions to each page. If webmasters don’t provide search engines with good, keyword-oriented, well-written caption source data, the resulting captions created by algorithm, no matter how hard we try, won’t represent your website as well as those websites whose webmasters did provide this unique and important data.
News from Bing, actually Bing is inspired by golden triangle concept. Golden triangle concept is a concept that emerges from Live Search usability study conducted in fall, 2008. Researchers have named this pattern the Golden Triangle because the searchers who have made a searching at have a pattern like golden triangle. Golden triangle also is showed by user pattern at google search engine. Therefore, this concept is really become a basic concept in developing of search engine Bing. You can see the picture below.
a. Quick tab to help searchers more easily navigate through the SERP by intuitively narrowing their search results.
b. Related search list of looser definitions for broadening the scope of the parent query, search history gives you one-click access to your previous queries made in a session.
c. Categorized results, to takes the searcher on a track they want to explore further.
Bing also gives related information about the result such as user ratings, and reviews link that is very different from windows live. Bing also gives a label best match to search result if the result is very match with the keyword. Best match result is representing the Best Match listing, and hides the remainder of the other.
Something’s that very different from Bing is Bing has a document preview so the searchers can instantly see content derived from the deep link page before going to the website. It seem document preview technology is new innovation that used by Bing search engine.
What webmaster can do with search engine optimization (SEO) of Bing?
Well, I read from Bing Webmaster Center Team; Webmasters can easily do this by adding unique titles and Meta descriptions to each page. If webmasters don’t provide search engines with good, keyword-oriented, well-written caption source data, the resulting captions created by algorithm, no matter how hard we try, won’t represent your website as well as those websites whose webmasters did provide this unique and important data.
News from Bing, actually Bing is inspired by golden triangle concept. Golden triangle concept is a concept that emerges from Live Search usability study conducted in fall, 2008. Researchers have named this pattern the Golden Triangle because the searchers who have made a searching at have a pattern like golden triangle. Golden triangle also is showed by user pattern at google search engine. Therefore, this concept is really become a basic concept in developing of search engine Bing. You can see the picture below.
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