Pengertian informasi adalah
Pengertian “information” diuraikan oleh Zins (2009) dengan mengutip pendapat berbagai ahli dari beberapa universitas dunia sebagai berikuit :
1) Prof.Aldo de Albuquerquee Barreto , bahwa information is (1) a message used by sender to represent one or more concepts within a communications process, intended to increase knowledge in recipients, (2) a message recorded in the text of a document. Hanne Albrechtsen menjelaskan bahwa information is related to meaning or human intention. Selanjutnya dijelaskan bahwa sistim berbasis komputer “informations” adalah isi dari database, web dan sebagainya, dan dalam sistim berbasis manusia “information” adalah pengertian dari pendapat yang diinginkan oleh pembicara/penulis dan pengertian/atau tidak pengertian dari pendengan/pembaca.
2) Buckland (1991) menjelaskan bahwa kata “information” digunakan merujuk ke sejumlah fenomena yang berbeda, di mana fenomena dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok : (1) segala hal yang dipersepsikan sebagai sesuatu yang potensil memberi nilai tambah, (2) proses penyampaian, (3) bahwa yang dipetik dari suatu kejadian atau komunikasi.
3) Prof. Anthony Debons, University of Pitsburgh, USA menjelaskan bahwa information represent a state of awarness (consciouness) and the physical manifestations they forms. Selanjutnya dikatakan bahwa information, as phenomena, represents both a process and a product : a cognitive affective state. And the physical counterpart (product of) the cognitive/affective state. The counterpart could range from a scratch of asurface, mouvement/placement, written document etc. Informations answers questions of what, where, when and who and permutations thereof.
4) Prof. Nicolae Dragulanescu dari Universitas Bukares Rumania menjelaskan bahwa informasi adalah data yang diorganisir untuk menjawab pertanyaan dasar : apa, siapa, kapan, dan di mana.
5) Prof. Haidar Moukdad , Dalhousie University, Canada bahwa information is facts, figures, and other forms of meaningful representations that when encountered by or presented to a human being are used to enchance his/her understanding of a subject or related topics.
6) Prof. Lena Vania Pinheiro, Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology, Brazil bahwa Information is a phenomenon generated from knowledge and integrated therein, analyzed and interpreted to achieve the tranfers process of message (i.e. meaningful content) and the cognitive transformations of people and communities, in a historical, cutural and social context.
7) Prof. Maria Pinto, University of Granada, Spain menguraikan bahwa Information is the intentional compositions of data by a sender with the goal of modifying the knowledge state of an interpreter or receiver.
8) Prof. Roberto Poli, University of Trento, Italy mendefinisikan informasi dalam dua pengertian yaitu : information is a datum in adistal context dan information is embedding of sign-in-a-proximal-context in a distal context
9) Prof. Anna da Soledade Vieira, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil menjelaskan bahwa information is data organized to produce meaning.
10) Prof. Irene Wormell, Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Boras, Sweden menguraikan bahwa Information is a set of symbols that represent knowledge. Information is what context to data and it is cognitive. Normally it is understood as a new and additional element in collecting data and information for planned action.
11) Prof. Yishan Wu, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, China menjelaskan bahwa Information is anything communicated among living things. Selanjutnya dikatakan bahwa informasi adalah salah satu dari tiga pendukung kehidupan dan evolusi kehidupan, selain energi dan material.
12) Prof. Glynn Harmon, University of Texas at Austin, USA menjelaskan bahwa Information is an organism’s or an agent’s active or latent infrential frame that guides the selection of data for its own further development or construction.
Zins, C., 2009. Knowledge Map of Information Science, Data, Information, Knowledge. Download 25/10/2010.
1) Prof.Aldo de Albuquerquee Barreto , bahwa information is (1) a message used by sender to represent one or more concepts within a communications process, intended to increase knowledge in recipients, (2) a message recorded in the text of a document. Hanne Albrechtsen menjelaskan bahwa information is related to meaning or human intention. Selanjutnya dijelaskan bahwa sistim berbasis komputer “informations” adalah isi dari database, web dan sebagainya, dan dalam sistim berbasis manusia “information” adalah pengertian dari pendapat yang diinginkan oleh pembicara/penulis dan pengertian/atau tidak pengertian dari pendengan/pembaca.
2) Buckland (1991) menjelaskan bahwa kata “information” digunakan merujuk ke sejumlah fenomena yang berbeda, di mana fenomena dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok : (1) segala hal yang dipersepsikan sebagai sesuatu yang potensil memberi nilai tambah, (2) proses penyampaian, (3) bahwa yang dipetik dari suatu kejadian atau komunikasi.
3) Prof. Anthony Debons, University of Pitsburgh, USA menjelaskan bahwa information represent a state of awarness (consciouness) and the physical manifestations they forms. Selanjutnya dikatakan bahwa information, as phenomena, represents both a process and a product : a cognitive affective state. And the physical counterpart (product of) the cognitive/affective state. The counterpart could range from a scratch of asurface, mouvement/placement, written document etc. Informations answers questions of what, where, when and who and permutations thereof.
4) Prof. Nicolae Dragulanescu dari Universitas Bukares Rumania menjelaskan bahwa informasi adalah data yang diorganisir untuk menjawab pertanyaan dasar : apa, siapa, kapan, dan di mana.
5) Prof. Haidar Moukdad , Dalhousie University, Canada bahwa information is facts, figures, and other forms of meaningful representations that when encountered by or presented to a human being are used to enchance his/her understanding of a subject or related topics.
6) Prof. Lena Vania Pinheiro, Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology, Brazil bahwa Information is a phenomenon generated from knowledge and integrated therein, analyzed and interpreted to achieve the tranfers process of message (i.e. meaningful content) and the cognitive transformations of people and communities, in a historical, cutural and social context.
7) Prof. Maria Pinto, University of Granada, Spain menguraikan bahwa Information is the intentional compositions of data by a sender with the goal of modifying the knowledge state of an interpreter or receiver.
8) Prof. Roberto Poli, University of Trento, Italy mendefinisikan informasi dalam dua pengertian yaitu : information is a datum in adistal context dan information is embedding of sign-in-a-proximal-context in a distal context
9) Prof. Anna da Soledade Vieira, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil menjelaskan bahwa information is data organized to produce meaning.
10) Prof. Irene Wormell, Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Boras, Sweden menguraikan bahwa Information is a set of symbols that represent knowledge. Information is what context to data and it is cognitive. Normally it is understood as a new and additional element in collecting data and information for planned action.
11) Prof. Yishan Wu, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, China menjelaskan bahwa Information is anything communicated among living things. Selanjutnya dikatakan bahwa informasi adalah salah satu dari tiga pendukung kehidupan dan evolusi kehidupan, selain energi dan material.
12) Prof. Glynn Harmon, University of Texas at Austin, USA menjelaskan bahwa Information is an organism’s or an agent’s active or latent infrential frame that guides the selection of data for its own further development or construction.
Zins, C., 2009. Knowledge Map of Information Science, Data, Information, Knowledge. Download 25/10/2010.
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